Bring Your Faded Hair Color Back To Life Without Dye!

So you dyed your hair earlier this month, and just this morning, you were greeted with dulled-out hair color. Sounds harsh; we understand your pain! Faded hair color can be a nuisance, as the blondes turn yellow and the red in your head simply fades away. But you have an important event coming up, and bad hair is a big NO! What can you do? Dying your hair again will cause damage to your hair, so what would be the best idea when it comes to refreshing your hair color?

Welcome to SmartBeauty! Your one-stop-shop for everything that has to do with hair cair and color, and we present to you our range of exquisite hair color refreshers that you can use at home and rejuvenate your luscious colored locks!

What Are Hair Color Refreshers?

Now before you ask yourself, how long does permanent hair color take to fade? A better question would be, how can you avoid it altogether?

This is where hair color refreshers come in! They are a chemical-free gel or paste that you can apply to wet dyed hair and wait the instructed time. They are known to revive the brunette hair palette, reduce yellow in blondes, and rejuvenate vibrant colors to the point where people think you just had them done! But, that’s not all; they are also able to condition your hair, making sure that your hair stays silky and smooth!

Color Refreshers Vs. Hair Dye

There is a pronounced underlying difference between color refreshers and hair dye, as hair dyes are meant to color your hair in a completely new color, and refreshers are intended to keep the integrity of your existing hair color. You can apply hair color refreshers to already dyed hair and be carefree, and they do not bleach your hair! You would need a whole tube of hair dye to cover the length of your hair, but a small bottle of refresher can last you for four washes so that you can be worry-free for months!

How Long Does Permanent Hair Color Take To Fade?

Hair dyes usually last up to about five weeks. Still, you can see fading starting to appear sooner, depending on your diet and the color of your choice. This happens more frequently in the case of platinum blonde or red tones.

But you have nothing to worry about as our refresher lasts for up to 5 washes, precisely what you would require to keep your hair fresh in between salon appointments!

Can I Dye My Hair During A Pregnancy?

If you are a mom-to-be and are looking to dye your hair, we suggest that you put the plan on hold as the pregnancy is already stressing out your hair. We don’t want to burden them further. However, suppose you already have a dyed head of hair. In that case, our SmartBeauty hair color refresher is perfectly safe for you to use during your pregnancy, as they are completely void of any chemicals such as bleach or peroxides.

For All The Bold Queens With Vibrant Hair colors: Copper, Red, or Purple Color Boost refreshers.

How To Refresh Hair Color At Home?

Now that you have decided to revive your hair color, it is time to get started.

  • First things first, find the perfect refresher shade for your hair color. In the Dark Palette: Warm Brown, Mahogany Brown, Copper Brown, or Chestnut Brown. For All The Pretty Blondes Out There: Platinum Blonde, Ash Blonde, or Honey Blonde.
  • Now that you have gotten the perfect shade of refreshers, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
  • Don’t condition your hair; just towel dry.
  • Now place a towel on your shoulder to protect your clothes and skin, and divide your hair into four sections. Front to back and ear to ear.
  • Get your protection gloves out and about.
  • With your gloves on, get a decent amount of color refresher between your fingers and rub it along the length of your hair right up till the roots, starting from the back sections and making your way towards the front.
  • After spreading the cream, comb it through to ensure equal distribution and maximum coverage.
  • Leave the refresher in for at least 3 minutes, or the time suggested in the instructions.
  • Rinse it out without any other hair products and enjoy your perfectly dyed hair again!!

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